Veterans Day Parade Schedule and Outline of Events
Parade Line Up
6:00 to 8:30 am, at Ann W. Richards Congress Avenue Bridge, Austin, TX (Congress Street Bridge);
Vehicles report and line up in 15 minute increments, as assigned
Personnel marching or riding with units and organizations should report by 7:30
Parade Reviewing Stand
8:45 am, Inter-Continental Stephen F. Austin Hotel, located at 7th and Congress
Parade Lead off
9:00 am, Grand Marshall on site, parade will proceed up Congress Ave. to the Texas State Capitol; Capitol South Step Entertainment
Parade Ends at 11th and Congress Ave.
Memorial Ceremony – Commemoration Program – Ceremonial Bell Ringing
Welcoming – Master of Ceremonies
Invocation – Parade Chaplain
National Anthem – To be determined
Pledge of Allegiance and Posting of the Colors
Introduction of Dais
Presentation of Proclamations – US Congress, Texas Senate, Texas House, Travis County, City of Austin
Guest speaker: to be determined
Presentations – Veteran Organizations
Roll Call to Honor our Dead
11:45am (Wreath Laying Ceremony with Bell Tolling, 21 Gun Salute and Taps)
Salute provided by Tejanos in Action
Benediction – Parade Chaplain
Dismissal – 12:30 (appx)
“Pray for our men and women in uniform and remember our Veterans”